X10 Agency – a smart way to launch your GAMEFI / Play2Earn / NFT / Web3 / DeFi project!
Marketing for Blockchain and Web3 projects
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GameFi and play2earn PROJECTS
relevant audience
PARTNERSHIP AND COLLABS with GameFi and Play2Earn projects
Running common activities with other relevant GameFi and Play2Earn projects brings communities closer.
X10 Agency provides a team of collab managers, who's duties are to make a relevant research, arrange partnership relations with other projects, manage collaborational process.
X10 Agency is able to run Partnerships/Collabs campaigns on the main platforms: Twitter, Discord, Telegram.
GameFi Play2Earn Collabs Services Worldwide, ENG
GameFi and Play2Earn Collabs are the type of activity for running common giveaways or contents with other projects with a similar scale. This helps to gather the community at the early stages of project development.
At the start it is possible to run 40-100 collabs per month.
Partnerships - a more advanced level collaborations. This options includes partnerships with famous projects.